Saturday 14 March 2015

I hope this makes you smile x3


Hugs make everything better♥
need a hug?
there ya go ^^

♥ Its true o3o ♥


I wanna talk about something that maybe serious to some people and what people are going through, im gonna be talking about depression. Depression is such a horrible thing to get.. you feel so low in yourself.. I have been depressed before and still get it often now. but ways to get over it is, to talk to someone about it that you trust.. if it makes it easier for you, write it down and express your feelings on the page.. and not yourself.. some people self harm because of this.. self harm is when someone hurts themselves by cutting, burning or starving themselves.. I self harm by cutting.. but self harm isn't good.. it can be very dangerous.. people self harm for many reasons.. because it makes themselves feel better, to punish themselves for what they think they have done and the other one which is upsetting is, some do it because the want to kill themselves..
if you are going through something like this.. remember .. YOU matter! people love YOU! your an amazing person! which the world cant live without! stay strong! theres always a light at the end of the tunnel even if you cant see it yet.. its there..
if you feel alone and feeling like this, comment on this and I will message you privately to help you♥
take care♥

Hello, I'm Ella ^^ This blog is for people who have the same interests as me! I will put different things up such as pictures of the things im into and hopefully what you are into! enjoyx3